Jumat, 26 September 2014

Cara Pemesanan

Harga Dvd perkeping = Rp. 5000,- (LIMA RIBU RUPIAH).

Minimal Pembelian = Rp. 50.000,- (LIMA PULUH RIBU RUPIAH) atau 10 keping DVD.

Cara Pemesanan :
SMS ke 087885423220 / bb 2b91d51e(Tivan)

Dengan Format :
Nama#Alamat#no hp#Judul Film

Contoh :
Bunga#Jalan Kintamani Blok B No.21 rt.11/rw.03#0811565312#Geronimo,neverland,the heat,the last day

Western Movies-Season 1

2009, Adrian Helmsley (Chiwetel Ejiofor), an American geologist, visits astrophysicist Dr. Satnam Tsurutani (Jimi Mistry) in India and learns that neutrinos from a massive solar flare are causing the temperature of the Earth's core to increase rapidly. Adrian gives a report on this to White House Chief of Staff Carl Anheuser (Oliver Platt) who ends up taking Adrian to meet the President of the United States Continue

Based on the novel by par lagerkvist winner of a Nobel Prize in Literature. Barabbas is a four-part mini-series that explores the story of a man whose life was spared because of the Continue

When the Joker escapes from Arkham and murders the parents of a young boy. Batman recalls the pain of losing his own parents as a child. He is pushed past his limits to the point where his focus becomes revenge on all who stand in his way, including many of Gotham's underworld. Finally, Batman is forced to look at the psychological profile Continue

Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer) has it all-looks, intelligence wealth and opportunity and a wicked cruel streak. prone to mocking and humiliating "aggressively unattractive" classmates, he zeroes in on Goth classmate Kendra, inviting her to the school's extravagant enviromental bash. Kendra accept and true to form, Kyle belows Continue

It's been 10 years since the attacks of september 11 and since then the American intellingence sparked the largest manhunt of all time. In 2011, however, the CIA decides to select a special unit of Navy Seals, on a secret mission in Afghanistan. The code name Geronimo and the final, the same as the fearsome Continue

Ashburn, an FBI agent is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion but she doesn't get along with her co-worker. She is sent to Boston to find out who an elusive drug dealer is by getting to the man who is fronting from him and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she findsthe dealer. When she arrives in Boston she learns that the dealer has been eleminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns thats a dealer in Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about Continue

Thomas Popper has spent his entire life working to become the #1 real estate mogul in New York City. He has sacrificed everything friends, family and even his own happiness. But on the brink of the biggest deal of his career, he recieves a gift a mysterious crate from Antartica from his long missing father. what's inside the crate mark the end of Popper's comfortable and Continue

In true hero fashion, Peter "Dies" and is reborn with mystical abilities gained from Tinker Bell's people, the Tree Spirits. After Peter is healed, Tinker Bell (voice of Keira Knightley) is able to "speak" to peter because Continue

On the way, they come upon a group of people recently killed. They adopt the lone survivor a girl named ila, who was wounded in the attack and has become barren. Noah and his family are chased by Tubal-Cain's men, but are able to seek refuge with fallen angels known as the watchers. The watchers had been forced by the creator Continue

Formes U.S. Army Ranger Mike Banning (Gerard Butler) is the Lead Secret Service Agent assigned to head the Presidential detail. He maintain a personal friendly relationship with President Benjami Asher (Arron Eckhart) First Lady Margareth Asher (Ashley Judd) and particularly their son Connor Asher(Finley Jacobsen). During a christmas evening drive from camp David to a campaign fundraise a tree falls in front of the president convoy falls into an icy river while the Presidential limousine teeters on the edge Continue

Rafi (Anne Curtis) is happily committed to her lovely partner in life, Mark (Derek Ramsay). she is bachelorette from a rick family, who belongs to the "Friday Club". The regular get-together of her college friends. Rafi ia an attention-getter because of her in and out beauty and impressive credentials. But one day, a major life decision shifts everyone's impression of her. Sam (Andi Eigenmann). rebellious, carefree and happy-go-lucky woman, who thinks Continue

2013 A mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet. Humanity develops an irrational fear of open spaces that causes instant death. Soon, the world population is trapped inside buildings. As Barcelona Descends Into chaos, Marc sets off on a quest to find Julia, his missing Continue


Description :

Film Title : Neverland

Artist Name : Charlie Rowe | Rhys Ifans | Anna                              Friel
Language : English

Subtitle : English | Malay | Indonesia

Genre : Fiction

Synopsis :

In true hero fashion, Peter "Dies" and is reborn with mystical abilities gained from Tinker Bell's people, the Tree Spirits. After Peter is healed, Tinker Bell (voice of Keira Knightley) is able to "speak" to peter because he can understand he thoughts. When Peter emerges from the special pool with the mineral dust, he can fly because of his pure, innocent heart. The Grand Elders of the Tree Spirits tell Peter that they trust him with the powers they have given him.



Description :

Film Title : Beast

Artist Name : Vanessa Hudgens | Alex Petyfer                                              
Language : English

Subtitle : English | Malay | Indonesia

Genre : Romance


Synopsis :

Kyle Kingson (Alex Pettyfer) has it all-looks, intelligence wealth and opportunity and a wicked cruel streak. prone to mocking and humiliating "aggressively unattractive" classmates, he zeroes in on Goth classmate Kendra, inviting her to the school's extravagant enviromental bash. Kendra accept and true to form, Kyle belows her off in a particularly savage fashion. She retaliates by casting a spell that physically transforms him into everything he despires. Enraged by his horrible and unrecognizable appearence he confronts Kendra and learns that the only solution to the curse is to find someone that will love him as she is a task he considers impossible. Repulsed by his appearance, Kyle's callous father banishes him to Brooklyn with a sympathetic housekeeper and blind tutor


The Heat

Description :

Film Title : The Heat

Artist Name : Sandra Bullock | Melissa McCarthy |                                                  
Language : English

Subtitle : English | Malay | Indonesia

Genre : Action

Synopsis : 

Ashburn, an FBI agent is extremely ambitious and has her eye on a promotion but she doesn't get along with her co-worker. She is sent to Boston to find out who an elusive drug dealer is by getting to the man who is fronting from him and is told that she'll have a good shot at the promotion if she findsthe dealer. When she arrives in Boston she learns that the dealer has been eleminating his competition and taking over their operations. She learns thats a dealer in Boston PD custody and goes to see him to ask him what he knows about the dealer but is warned that the cop who arrested the dealer, Mullins is very territorial and she is not exactly sociable. When the two meet they don't get along. When Mullins learns what Ashburn is in Boston for decides to find the dealer herself. Ashburn is told by her boss to work with Mullins but won't be easy beacause Ashburn does things by the book while Mullinsdoes things her way.


Batman City of Scars

Description :

Film Title : Batman City of Scars

Artist Name : Clark Bartram | Andrew Koenig |                                                    Kurt Carley | Jack McKinnon |                        
Language : English

Subtitle : English | Malay | Indonesia

Genre : Action

Synopsis :

When the Joker escapes from Arkham and murders the parents of a young boy. Batman recalls the pain of losing his own parents as a child. He is pushed past his limits to the point where his focus becomes revenge on all who stand in his way, including many of Gotham's underworld. Finally, Batman is forced to look at the psychological profile of his own mind and accept the consequences of his life to find resolve.

The Last Day

Description :

Film Title : The Last Day

Artist Name : Quim Qutierrez | Jose Coronado |                                                      Marta Etura| Logan Lerman

Language : English

Subtitle : English | Malay | Indonesia

Genre : Disaster


Synopsis :

2013 A mysterious epidemic spreads across the planet. Humanity develops an irrational fear of open spaces that causes instant death. Soon, the world population is trapped inside buildings. As Barcelona Descends Into chaos, Marc sets off on a quest to find Julia, his missing girlfirend, without ever going outside.
